

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment for Sports Persons 2013

Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment: The first underground metro railway that had made the due contribution in making the progress to be more packed down is the Kolkata Metro Railway which was started to be constructed from the year 1972 and its construction continued till the year 2010. Commercial usage of the metro was initiated on the historical day 8th Oct. Services which were desirable from the metro had been fulfilled to the full extend and with this more modifications are to made so that not even a single mistake could be commenced.

Important Dates:
  • 30th Dec 2013: last date that is being set by which the applications must be at the office premises.
  • 14th Jan 2014: last date by which the applicants that reside in the far flung areas can send the application.
Kolkata Metro Railway that is under the authorization of the high thinking also is active in making the selection of the applicants from the huge potential generation by the suitable means and the presently making announcement the recruitment is to made with the post of the Sports Person on 7 seats under different sports that are as mentioned below
  • Football – 2
  • Basket ball -2
  • Table Tennis – 2
  • Cricket – 1
Educational Qualification: Kolkata Metro Railway had stated to be educational qualification of the applicants to be matriculation or the ITI. Applicants who had the qualification comparable to it can also apply for the post.

Age limit: As on the date 1st Jan 2014 the age of the applicants must be under the outskirts of minimum 18 years and maximum 25 years. It is also being announced that no relaxation will be permissible for any of the category applicants.

Selection Procedure: Kolkata Metro Railway had set the provision under which the selection of the applicants will be as per the marks in the academics i.e. merit list be prepared under the expert supervision.

submit an application: Kolkata Metro Railway had announced for the applicants that are eligible as counted from the dimensions mentioned above make the usage of the application that is being arranged and will engrave it on the A4 sheet and this application must be tied up with the testimonials that are needed to construct the eligibility of the applicants. Application before to the send to the concerned address must be scribed with the name of the post.

Fees Details: registration fee is being set by the Kolkata Metro Railway that is totally non-refundable and this required fee is the Rs. 100 that will be acceptable by the mean of the bank draft / IPO that will be in the favor of the FA 7 CAO and payable at GPO Kolkata.

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